We produce a number of different electronic Salamander grills across three different ranges. Dependent on your particular use case we've got a Salamander grill that's perfectly suited to your business needs.The Lynx 400 series features three compact plug and play models. In particular the LPC Pizza Chef and LSC Super Chef are perfect for pizza and toasted sandwiches, whereas the LGT is ideal for grilling a wide variety of food products including steaks, burgers, chops, cutletsThe Silverlink 600 series is ideal for grilling a wide variety of foods, including steaks, burgers, chops, cutlets as well as toasted sandwiches and pizzas. This range comes in a compact 600mm model, which will perfectly fit in with the rest of the Silverlink 600 range in a busy kitchen environment.The Opus 800 series features powerful heating elements, reducing running costs and time spent waiting for your grill to heat up. It is 1/1 GN compatible for convenience when moving food from other appliances. The left and right independent controlled heat zones provide maximum versatility, which gives you the capability to utilise the different zones according to your specific needs during both quiet and busy periods.